Friday, May 25, 2007

Pet Peeves: "media" types and politics

The Rosie O'Donnell/Rush Limbaugh type (yes, it comes in both conservative and liberal forms): This is the I believe one thing and one thing only, and you must believe the exact same thing as I, or I will accuse you of having bad hair/berate someone with Parkinson's disease--publically.

Oh please Rosie/Rush, feed me all my thoughts and opinions. I bow down to your superior knowledge on . . . hmm. . . . on Tom Cruise/oxycotin (that also might be a frightening combination).

Then there's those who cannot attempt anything more than a long, overdramaticized, overpublicized, whiny ass emotional plea (the good old pathos for Michael Moore and Laura Ingle). Yes, a never-ending string of unsupported emotional babble will definitely sway my view. Of course I don't need you to support anything you say with actual facts. All you have to say is that Bush is murdering our youth to support big business/Democrats turning America into Upper Mexico and replacing English with Spanish, and I will believe!

Oh crap! I'm being torn asunder (always wanted to use that word)! I must believe both, for they are absolutely, positively 100% right, and if I don't believe both I will be roasted like a marshmallow on a campfire, charred and feathered. . .

I think I will go make some smores now.

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