Friday, June 15, 2007

Home Alone

I realized this week I could be the perfect "bachelor." Jeremy's been gone all week for work, and I have lapsed into some sort of adolescent lethargy when it comes to taking care of myself. I didn't have to make food for the both of us, so I haven't really made any food at all this week. In fact, the closest thing to cooking I've done is macaroni and cheese. Other than that, I've found myself subsisting off of bologna sandwiches and cottage cheese. I did get hungry for something sweet, so I finished off the bag of marshmallows.

To some, this might sound somewhat pathetic, but it's awesome! hehe. I have reclaimed a ton of time usually "wasted" on domestic things. Between Sunday and today, I left the house once (I was out of beer). I went several days without showering, and nobody was here to complain! I did get a bunch of work done on the dissertation, as well as some other writing done, but I worked the hours I wanted--noon to whenever I quit. One night, I stayed up until 7 a.m. playing the stupidest computer game ever. I rewatched a bunch of my favorite movies (ones that Jeremy gets tired of seeing) and read a couple of books.

So, essentially, what I've learned from this whole experience is that when he's gone, I turn into a stinky, slovenly person who cannot feed or set a bedtime for themselves. Also, nobody tells me to quit working, so suddenly, after 10 or 12 hours, I decide I need some relaxation time. The next thing I know I have like 3 hours to sleep. Hmm. And supposedly marriage benefits the man more!


Anonymous said...

I found your blog just randomly clicking "next blog" and this post cracked me up. "They" say who you are when you're alone is who you REALLY are...

I've been living on my own for seven years (working at home, too) and it's amazing the depths we can reach when left to our own devices....

Keep writing - I'll keep reading.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa! It's Angie (your sister in-law).
How have you been? I am catching up on your last few blog entries and thought I would let you know that I came for a visit!
I take my MP3 - eAudiobooks to Wal-Mart when I go so at least I am entertained w/a story when I can't find something or spend the inevitable exorbant amount of time waiting in line.