Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Love Letter to my Husband

Jeremy is huffy this morning. He says he's on strike; he's not going to pet any of the animals today. You see, after getting up, letting the dogs out, feeding and watering both the dogs and the cat, he thought they'd spend some quality time with him. Instead, when I woke up, they were all back in the bedroom with me, scattered across the bed. Apparently, after all their needs were met, Audrey immediately went back to the bedroom door and started whining to get in. Followed by Binny. Jeremy was just telling Jack how the "men" could spend some quality time together, when Jack got up and trotted to the bedroom door. That was the last straw for Jeremy, so now he's pouting a bit.

I figured he might need a little pick me up after his abandonment this morning, so I decided I'd put together a nice little love letter, well, my style of love letter, for him.

First, I thought I'd start with a list of things I probably should feel bad about, but really don't. I'll use I'm sorry to make it sound better.

1. I'm sorry I steal all the covers at night.
2. I'm sorry I instinctively make more room in the bed for the animals at night, leaving you a rather small sliver of bed.
3. I'm sorry I Leave bras dropped around the house wherever I happen to take them off at night.
4. I'm sorry that when I don't want to do something, I make comments like "Oh, I so don't feel like letting the dogs out," rather than just asking you to do it.
5. I'm sorry I don't wipe my feet off after I get out of the shower, making puddles all over the bathroom floor.
6. I'm sorry when I inentionally leave half a cup of coffee in the coffeemaker just so I don't have to make the next pot.
7. I'm sorry I don't like The Chronicles of Riddick or Tron and have made so many jokes about those movies.
8. I'm sorry when I forget to empty the cat's litterbox until an unpleasant aroma invades the kitchen.
9. I'm sorry I keep squashing the garbage down in the can and adding more until it's impossible to get the bag out. (I have tried to remedy this, sticking post it reminders on the can, but. . .)
10. I'm sorry I have an uncanny ability not to see dust. By the way, please don't shut off any of the ceiling fans.
11. I'm sorry when we go shopping and you continually lose me because everything distracts me.
12. I'm also sorry that I can't shop in an "organized" manner and meander, seemingly with no purpose, through the aisles.
13. I'm sorry I can't resist eating all of your leftover pizza.
14. I'm sorry you frequently end up with pink, lime green, and lavender socks and t-shirts. Who would've thought one colored towel could do that?
15. I'm sorry I often start a conversation out loud, continue it and change topics in my head, then, to your confusion, voice the new topic out loud. I know how I got there, shouldn't you?

I'm sure there are a ton more that I can add to this, and I'm positive Jeremy, once he reads this, will have a plethora to add as well. However, no it's time to move on to the list of things I love about my husband.

1. I love how excited he gets about the little things. But really, we don't need photos of every mouse we catch in the electric trap. They sort of all look the same . . . like dead mice.
2. I love how he says, "My god," shakes his head, and laughs every time I do or say something stupid. Like telling someone our house once had a two story outhouse. Oops!
3. I love how he always makes up silly little songs about everything. I'm not sure which is my favorite--the "Gotta Pee" song or the "Making a Fire" song.
4. I love how he feeds me things, like berries off a bush, and he always gets the tasty ones, while I get the ones that taste horrid.
5. I love the way he constantly critiques my driving skills (you back into your father-in-law's car once. . .), but always has me drive us everywhere.
6. I love how he buys me things then ends up using them himself. For instance, the Cheetos he bought for me on Thursday and ate on Friday.
7. I love the fact that he so often goes along with ideas I have, even if it means turning our house into the Griswolds' at Christmas time.
8. I love how he somtimes puts up such a valiant attempt to disuade me from my ideas. I still want to put up lights for every holiday (Valentine's, President's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter. . .) even if no one else does.
9. I love how his hair looks in the morning-that sort of sprouty all over with a slight mohawk look.
10. I love how he can look at something and visualize how it should/will look. I do the same thing and end up way off. Like the roughly 600 square foot flower bed in front of our old house that I thought I could fill with about 100 bulbs. He then added 3 crepe myrtle trees, a weeping cherry tree, 2 camillias, 5 shrubs, 5 hostas, a weigela shrub, and a whole row of daylillies.
11. I love how he lets me drag him to small town festivals whenever I want. But then again, who wouldn't leap at the chance to go to the Peanut Festival, the Wild Hog Festival, the Wild Chicken Festival, the Crawfish Festival. . .
12. I love how he always points out all the cows and goats ("Cows!" "Goats!") whenver we're driving somewhere.
13. I love how he ends up chasing Binny through the whole house, up and down the stairs, before she finally just stops. I especially love seeing her blurred, gray fur streak down the stairs with Jeremy following and grumbling after. All that just to get her in the bedroom at night.
14. I love how he will find little things he thinks I will like and picks them up for me. Everything from pretty wildflowers to jewelry.
15. I love the sound of his laugh, and I love that the stupid things I do and say make him laugh so much. I will never get enough of the twinkle his eyes get and the way his cheeks look when he's happy and laughing, even if it's at me.

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