Thursday, August 30, 2007

Lowfat Cookies

I decided to alter a pudding cookie recipe into a lowfat version. I made all the appropriate substitutions and was very pleased with myself.

I baked the cookies and was anticipating a yummy treat to appease my junk food cravings. Then I took them out of the oven. Somehow, they had a developed an odd, springy, spongy consistency. When you pushed down on one, it sprang right back up, much like you would like your mattress to do. In fact, I'm pretty sure I could market this as a stress reliever tool, for no matter how you squished and mashed them, they seemed to return to their original form.

So, I tried to feed them to Jeremy. Maybe they weren't so bad. He took one bite and just stared at me. Then he stared at the cookie, poked his finger into it, watched it pop back up, and returned to staring at me. I'm not sure he even made any comment this time (yes, I have fed him way too many of my experiments), but just gave it to the dogs.

On the plus side, the dogs found them delicious!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember trying to make no-bake cookies when we were younger... Maybe neither one of should be allowed near an oven. :)